Finger Generation Pty Ltd


FG we take up worthwhile opportunities and advancement of human knowledge of most importance. Our company is commited to close the gap between its' people and career opportunities, ensuring a well informed society(generation) about career options, a variety of opportunities and how to use their talents and skills to their advantages and that of the community. We empower people to chase their dreams and successfully secure them with relevant information.

We are one of Tsakane's successful and informative agency, job applications and career evaluation, university applications with APS analysis cateria and courses information, modelling and fashion design marketing agency, local business marketing, sport agency, civil and political rights awareness and protection, study tools and aid.

We have been labelled remarkful and helpful by our clients, our local high schools and local football association by giving our clients a step ahead in life ranked us to be the best social upliftment programme in Tsakane.

Our value: Intergrity: we will always be professional, confidential and serve. Care: we treat people equally with respect and dignity regardless of their race, sexual oriantation Excellence: we will continue to push the human knowledge and access to it. to improve ourselfs and the world. Accountability: we will always act to the interest of social development